ࡱ> wyv@ Rjbjbqq %PJjl8H$lD, N D Z j  Vv4pFv : v$F05 5v  Notables, Nobels, the News and the Net October is the month in which Nobel Prizes are awarded. This is an opportunity to encourage students to look into the history of science through current events. Most students know that money is involved, but few have heard of the source of the money (Alfred Nobel), how he earned the money (explosives), and his possible motives for establishing the prizes (influence of Bertha von Sutner guilt, or a desire to be remembered positively). Why are prizes given for work in literature, economics, chemistry, physics, physiology and medicine, and peace, but not geology, ecology and mathematics? Each year students discover answers to these and other questions I havent ask by clipping articles from newspapers and periodicals as homework. They continue their research in the library, using both print materials and computers. The Nobel Prize Internet Archive and Nobelprize.org. readily offer current and historical information on the prizes and their winners. Student frequently observe that prize winners are old, male, from the United States or Northern Europe, and not Rosalind Franklin and Dian Fossey. Class discussion of the rules of the prize, the nature of science, and cultural and gender bias in society flows easily. The nature of science means it takes time to see who has provided the key piece that fits a scientific puzzle together. Frequently, a good deal of time passes between the discovery and the granting of the award. The rules of the Nobel Prize, however, are that no one who is deceased is able to become a laureate, so Franklin could not be nominated with Wilkins, Watson, or Crick. Other scientists, like Fossey, are never considered for the prize because the work they do is not in one of the science award disciplines. Once the system of nominations is considered, students see that scientists who write in languages not readily available to the North Atlantic scientific community may not be recognized because their work is not widely read. In cultures where group effort is valued and individuals do not seek credit for their individual contributions also are underrepresented in the Nobel Winners Circle. Cries of Thats not fair! inevitably erupt, and female and minority students demand equity. Redress may be offered by The Mill Valley Science Prize, which is awarded annually by each eighth grade class to any person in any field of science living or dead. The process of choosing each recipient is divided into segments to imitate the Nobel process. Each student chooses a man and a woman scientist. Using one computer and one non-computer resource, students do a preliminary check of the individuals qualifications. Because of time constraints and to increase the diversity of subject matter, students are encouraged to choose a neighborhood scientist, someone a parent recommends, or one from a list I provide, not one of the giants of science. Upon completion of this preliminary work the student selects one of her/his scientists to present to the nominating committee. Each nominating committee consists of 3 to 5 students in the class. Each presents his/her candidates qualifications and the committee decides on one to nominate to the class. The entire group researches their scientist for one period. Eacah nominating committee prepares and makes a presentation to the class nominating its candidate for the prize. They must use at least one prop, drawing or photograph to dramatize the work of their scientist. The entire class votes to determine their Laureate of the year. A certificate is hung in the Locker Hall of Fame and the Laurete joins the list of Scientists in Search of an Artist. Until they are adopted by an artist their certificate displays a photograph instead of a drawing. Some Possible Nominations for the MVMS Science Prize Aguilar, Abelardo (Erythromycin) Alcala, Angel (Environmentalist) Alvarez, Luis W. (Physicist) Alvarez, Walter (Asteroid impact) Aquino, Rodolfo (Green revolution) Banneker, Benjamin (Astronomer, city planner) Bascom, Florence (Geologist) Bassi, Laura (Anatamist and physicist) Blackwell, Elizabeth (Medicine) Blanchard, Helen Augusta (Inventor) Brown, Rachael (Pharmaceutical chemist) Cannon, Anne Jump (Astronomer) Carruthers, George R. (Astrophysicist) Carson, Rachael (Environmentalist) Carver, George Washington (Inventor) Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (Astrophysicist) Cobb, Jewel Plummer (Biologist) Comstick, Anna (Agricultural scientist) Crane, Jocelyn (Zoologist) Drew, Charles Richard (Blood transfussion) Elion, Gertrude (Pharmaceutical chemist) Emerson, Gladys Anderson (Vitimin biochemist) Fleming, Williamina (Astronomer) Fossey, Dian (Zoologist) Fox, Sally Vreseis (Plant breeder) Franklin, Rosalind (Crystallographer) Fraser-Reid, Bertram O. (Antibiotic research) Geller, Margaret (Astronomer) Gilbreth, Lillian Moller (Engineer) Goodall, Jane (Primatologist) Green, Catherine (Inventor) Hall, Lloyd A. (Food chemist) Hamilton, Dr. Alice (Medicine) Harris, James Andrew (Nuclear Chemist) Hawking, Stephen (Theoretical physicist) Hazen, Elizabeth (Pharmaceutical chemist) Henry, Beulah Louise (Inventor) Henson, Matthew A. (Arctic explorer) Hershel, Caroline (Astronomer) Hodge, John Edward (Food chemist)_ Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot (Chemist) Hogg, Helen Sawyer (Astronomer) Hollingworth, Leta Setter (Psychologist) Hopper, Grace Murray (Computer pioneer) Houssay, Bernardo (Physiologist) Hyde, Ida Henrietta (Physiologist) Hyman, Libbie Henrietta (Zoologist) Jackson, Shirley (Physicist) Jameson, Mae C. (Astronaut) Joliot-Curie, Irene (Chemist) Joyner, Marjorie (Inventor) Julian, Percy L. (Chemist) Just, Ernest E. (Embryologist) Kovalesvsky, Sonya, (Mathematician and astronomer) Lamarr, Hedy (Movie star & inventor) Latimer, Lewis Howard (Electrical engineer) Leavitt, Henrietta Swan (Astronomer)\ Lee, T.D. (Physicist) Leloir, Luis Federico (Chemist) Levi-Montalcini, Rita (Embryologist) Lovelace, Lady Ada (Math) Lyon, Mary (Geneticist) Matzeliger, Jan Earnst (Inventor) Maury, Antonia (Astronomer) Mayer, Maria Goeppert (Nuclear physicist) McClintock, Barbara (Corn geneticist) McCoy, Elijah ( Inventor: Its the real McCoy) McCoy, Caldwell (Electrical Engineer) Mead, Sylvia (Marine biologist) Meitner, Lise (Nuclear physicist) Mexia, Ynez (Botanist) Milstein, Cesar (Immunology) Mitchell, Maria (Astronomer) Moon, John P. (Computer Engineer) Morgan, Garrett A. (Chemical inventor) Noguchi, Constance Tom (Physical Biochemist) Noguchi, Hideyo (Bacteriologist) Nother, Amalie (Emmy) (Mathametician) Ochoa, Ellen (optics and robotics astronaut) Ochoa de Albornoz, Severo (RNA & DNA synthesis) Odhiambo, Thomas (Entomologist) ? Onizuka, Ellison (Astronaut, engineer) Paisano, Edna Lee (Statistician) Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia (Astronomer) Pennington, Mary Engle (Inventor) Quimby, Edith Hinkley (Radiation physcist) Ramon y Cajal, Santiago (Nerve physiology) Resnick, Judith (Engineer, Astronaut) Richards, Ellen Swallow (Chemist, Ecologist) Ride, Sally (Astronaut) Rillieux, Norbert (Inventor) Roberts, Louis (Microwave Physicist) Rodriguez, Eloy (Ethnobotanist) Rubin, Vera (Astronomer) Rudnick, Dorothea (Embryologist) Russell, Elizabeth Schull (Zoologist) Sabin, Florence (Anatomist) Sager, Ruth (Genetics) Salam, Abdus (Nuclear physicist) Sanger, Margaret (Medicine) Semple, Ellen Churchill (Geographer) Sharpless, Nansie (Neurochemist) Shaw, Earl D. (Physicist & Laser Inventor) Shoemaker, Carolyn (Astronomer) Stevens, Nettie Maria (Geneticist)\ Strong, Harriet W. (Argicultural inventor) Taussig, Helen Brooke (Medicine) Thomas, Valerie (NASA physicists) Ting, Samuel C.C. (Nuclear phycisist) Trotula of Solerno (Medicine) Tsukamoto, Ann (Cell biologist) Turner, Charles Henry (.Zoologist) Walker, Madam C.J. [Sarah Breedlove McWilliams Walker] (Inventor, millionaire) Wang, An (Inventor, Computers) Whitney, Mary Watson (Astronomer) Woods, Granville T. (Electrical engineer) Wright, Jane Cook (Cancer) Wright, Louis Tompkins (Antibiotic research) Wu, Chien Shiung (Nuclerar physicist) Yalow, Rosalyn (Nuclear biologist) Yang, C.N. (Physicist) Yukawa, Hideki (Nuclear physicists) Project Design Watch for information on the Nobel Prizes which will be awarded this month. Clip and bring in articles you find, be sure you keep track of their source. You may take notes on a radio or TV report if you provide bibliographic information. Complete the Nobel Laureates Handout using the internet and print materials in the library. You may complete this as homework. Be sure you keep track of your note cards and resources. Choose 2 non-Nobel scientists, one man and one woman, from the list provided or ask permission to research others of your choice. If you choose a family member or neighbor active in science, they may even give you an interview. (Bonus points will be given for scientists and resources new to me.) Take notes on a. the scientists name properly spelled b. the dates of their birth and death c. where they lived and worked d. their work and why it was important other significant information about their lives (Did they escape from the Nazis? Did they overcome family or physical particular difficulties? Did they fail to receive they Nobel prize for some particular reason? ) 5 Research a. the internet first. b. the CD roms, especially for women scientists. c. library references. d. ask if their are video resources on your scientist. e. use note cards to collect your data. f. keep track of your bibliography. Meet with your group to decide whom they would like to nominate and do some further research. Organize your presentation. Think of a prop or picture or performance which will help you convince your classmates that your scientist is best. 8. Present your scientist. You will have 3 to 5 minutes to advocate for you laureate. 9. Class election of Mill Valley Science Prize Laureate. Certificate placed in locker hall. By the end of this week you should show evidence that you are able to: 1. Know how the Nobel Prize came into being. 2. Discuss briefly the life and work of at least 4 scientists chosen from different fields of science. 3. Use the internet and CD roms for research. 4. Use appropriate library resources. 5. Make note cards recording your research. 6. Complete a bibliography. Internet Sites Asian-American Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://www.factmonster.com/spot/asianbios7.html" http://www.factmonster.com/spot/asianbios7.html Asian American Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asiabio.htm" http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asiabio.htm Biographies of Notable Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://www.infoplease.com/spot/scibio8.html" http://www.infoplease.com/spot/scibio8.html Black Scientists & Inventors  HYPERLINK "http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmscientists1.html" http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmscientists1.html Blacks in Technology: Past and Present http://www.users.fast.net/~blc/xlhome2.htm Distinguished Women of the Past and Present,  HYPERLINK "http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/subject/field.html" http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/subject/field.html Engines of Our Ingenuity http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_detail.php?siteId=5183222 The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences  HYPERLINK "https://webfiles.uci.edu/mcbrown/display/faces.html" https://webfiles.uci.edu/mcbrown/display/faces.html FilipinoScientists Filipino Inventors and Filipino Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://inventors.about.com/od/filipinoscientists/Filipino_Inventors_and_Filipino_Scientists.htm" http://inventors.about.com/od/filipinoscientists/Filipino_Inventors_and_Filipino_Scientists.htm Filipino Inventors  HYPERLINK "http://www.txtmania.com/trivia/inventions.php" http://www.txtmania.com/trivia/inventions.php  HYPERLINK "http://agham.asti.dost.gov.ph/1998/8th/fun/fun.htm" http://agham.asti.dost.gov.ph/1998/8th/fun/fun.htm Hispanos Famosos  HYPERLINK "http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query+hispanos+famosos&backlink=217"  http://coloquio.com/famosos/science.html  Historia http://www.women-scientists-in-history.com/historia.html Inventor of the Week  HYPERLINK "http://web.mit.edu/invent/i-archive.html" http://web.mit.edu/invent/i-archive.html Muslim Scientists and Scholars  HYPERLINK "http://www.ummah.net/history/scholars/index.html" http://www.ummah.net/history/scholars/index.html Muslim Heritage  HYPERLINK "http://www.muslimheritage.com/" http://www.muslimheritage.com/ NASA Astronaut Biographies  HYPERLINK "http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/astrobio.html" http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/astrobio.html Native Americans in Science  HYPERLINK "http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312140/ThinkQuest/Alisha/Native%20Americans%20in%20Science.htm" http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312140/ThinkQuest/Alisha/Native%20Americans%20in%20Science.htm Notable Female Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://www.factmonster.com/spot/whmbios2.html" http://www.factmonster.com/spot/whmbios2.html The Nobel Prize Internet Archive  HYPERLINK "http://www.almaz.com/nobel/" http://www.almaz.com/nobel/ The Nobel Prize  HYPERLINK "http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/" http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/ Scientists of India  HYPERLINK "http://www.searchindia.com/search/People/Scientists/index.shtml" http://www.searchindia.com/search/People/Scientists/index.shtml Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacnas.org/biography/listsethnicity.asp" http://www.sacnas.org/biography/listsethnicity.asp Some Famous Indian Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://www.tifr.res.in/~outreach/biographies/scientists.pdf" www.tifr.res.in/~outreach/biographies/scientists.pdf Teacher Vision  HYPERLINK "http://www.teachervision.fen.com/african-americans/scientists/4934.html" http://www.teachervision.fen.com/african-americans/scientists/4934.html We Are Scientists/Mathematicians/Engineers/Physicians Hispanic, Black, http://www.carnegieinstitution.org/first_light_case/horn/careers/careersindex.html Welcome to Biotech  HYPERLINK "http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/summary.shtml" http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/summary.shtml Windows to the Universe  HYPERLINK "http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/people/people.html" http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/people/people.html Women Oceanographers  HYPERLINK "http://www.womenoceanographers.org/" http://www.womenoceanographers.org/ Women Scientists  HYPERLINK "http://www.sdsc.edu/ScienceWomen/index.html" http://www.sdsc.edu/ScienceWomen/index.html Library resources available on request. rmchaney@comcast.net Student Check List Be honest about what you can do. I will try to teach you those things you cannot do privately. I can: 1. Use the internet yes no 2. Search a CD rom yes no 3. Make a notecard yes no 4. Make a bibliography card yes no 5. Discuss the life and work of 4 scientists yes no 6. Know how the Nobel Prize began yes no Today you should staple together and turn in the following materials. Be sure you name is on each page. Place the materials in order beginning on the bottom of the stack. 1. The direction sheet and list of scientists from whom you chose. 2. The sheet on which you researched this years Nobel winners. 3. At least 4 bibliography cards (front side) and note cards (back side) for the scientists you researched. These should reflect your use of the internet, CD rom, books, magazines, and encyclopedias. 4. This sheet, opposite side up, for a cover sheet. Nominations for MVMS Prize The scientist my group chose to nominate for the science prize is ___________________________________ in the field of ______________ because_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. The prop we used to symbolize our scientist was _____________________ _____________________________________________________________. Another scientists I considered nominating was _________________ in the field of __________________ because ________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. Nobel Laureates 1. Who was Alfred Nobel?____________________________________ How did he become wealthy? ________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ In what areas are Nobel Prizes awarded? ______________________ ________________________________________________________ Why was the Nobel Prize established? (Give your opinion supported by the research you have done.)_________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. won the Nobel Prize in _____________________ winners name Chemistry, Physics or Medicine & Physiology this year. When and where was the research done? ________________ __________________________________________________________ What contribution did the winner make to science and why is the research important? ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. Look up one Nobel Prize Science Laureate from a previous year and in a field different from the one you chose in question 2. Write a brief paragraph about this recipient which includes her/his name, area of their prize, and tell what their work was, why it was important. If there was something unique about this person, include this information. ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________  Ocotber is also the month in which our school has a large number of minimum days to allow for parent conferences. These activities were designed for days too brief to allow for completion of a regular laboratory activity. This also the first research project of the year for our students, so that review of notetaking and bibliographic skills is included. 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